本站于2024-10-02更新的《地下惊魂》由布莱恩·T·杰恩斯摄制的动作,科幻,惊悚,科幻片系列科幻片,2013年在美国上映。该片主要讲述了演员霍尔特·鲍格斯,BryanChatlien,LarryJackDotson在2013的美国地区发生的奇闻趣事,该片于2013-12上映后获得了206万次的播放量获得影迷的广泛好评!A young newlywed couple find themselves trapped in a network of underground caves. With her husband injured, the new bride is forced to find her way back to the surface in order to save his life. In the process, they discover a terrifying truth about the "underneath", they are not alone. Something evil is hunting them.
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