简介: A nine part series depicting the varying fortunes of four friends - Nicky, Geordie, Mary and Tosker - from the optimistic times of 1964 to the uncertainties of 1995. Taking nine pivotal years (1964, 1966, 1967, 1970, 1974, 1979, 1984, 1987, 1995) the personal lives of the characters become intertwined with the political struggles of their home town of Newcastle, and the capital, London. We also see the machinations behind the scenes that affect their lives, often for the worse: slum housing projects, police corruption, the rise of Thatcherism, political sleaze, and specific events like the 1984 Miners' Strike.
A nine part series depicting the varying fortunes of four friends - Nicky, Geordie, Mary and Tosker - from the optimistic times of 1964 to the uncertainties of 1995. Taking nine pivotal years (1964, 1966, 1967, 1970, 1974, 1979, 1984, 1987, 1995) the personal lives of the characters become intertwined with the political struggles of their home town of Newcastle, and the capital, London. We also see the machinations behind the scenes that affect their lives, often for the worse: slum housing projects, police corruption, the rise of Thatcherism, political sleaze, and specific events like the 1984 Miners' Strike.展开
回复:树根在树(shù )妖的(de )控制下,变成了(le )一(yī )根根绳子,把(bǎ )沙漠蝎包裹(guǒ )在里(lǐ )面,估计沙漠蝎他们也想不到在(🐥)这么(me )深的沙子底下还会遇到(🏭)危险,还没反应过来,已经被树妖给缠住了。
回复:最终还是陈天华在旁边点(diǎn )醒了一句你(nǐ(🗜) )不要(yào )以你以前人类的眼光来看(kàn )待你的族(zú )人,你现在的(de )族人,即使是儿童,力气也远比(bǐ )以前的成年(nián )人要强(🥘)壮许多,更何(🏘)况,在年轻的(de )时候获得(🐕)技能,其成长性(🧐)比成年时,要好上(shàng )不少。