本站于2024-10-01更新的《雪山之火》由Maurice Hübner,Lea Becker摄制的海外系列海外剧,2021年在其它上映。该片主要讲述了演员Valerie Huber,Sofie Eifertinger,Bless Amada,Zoran Pingel,Felix Mayr,Ben Felipe,Tatjana Alexander,Souhaila Amade,弗洛伦丝·卡松巴,斯特芬·温克,约翰内斯·赛勒,Alexander Gaida,安德烈亚斯·皮特斯柯曼,沃尔夫·巴霍夫纳,Simone Fuith,Krista Tcherneva,娜达莎·布锐妮克,泰伦·里基茨,托马斯·福尔,Alina Fritsch,安东·威尔,Simon Man在2021的其它地区发生的奇闻趣事,该片于上映后获得了691万次的播放量获得影迷的广泛好评! a year after the tragic death of her brother, 19-year-old Lisi from Kitzbühel enters the decadent world of a Munich clique that comes to the luxury ski resort to celebrate every season. But Lisi soon kicks off an avalanche that reveals the truth behind the facade full of glamor, money and hedonism - with uncontrollable consequences.
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