本站于2024-10-01更新的《帕罗尼秀!万圣特辑!》由贾斯汀·罗兰摄制的欧美动漫系列欧美动漫,2022年在美国上映。该片主要讲述了演员贾斯汀·罗兰,帕梅拉·阿德龙,凯瑞·华格伦,Zach Hadel,Vatche Panos在2022的美国地区发生的奇闻趣事,该片于上映后获得了672万次的播放量获得影迷的广泛好评! From creator Justin Roiland, “The Paloni Show! Halloween Special!” introduces Leroy, Reggie, and Cheruce Paloni, who have been given the opportunity of a lifetime to be the hosts of an unforgettable Halloween Special full of “spooky” shorts from a group of up-and-coming animators.
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