本站于2024-10-01更新的《奶奶的现代社会指南》由摄制的欧美综艺系列欧美综艺,2016年在英国上映。该片主要讲述了演员在2016的英国地区发生的奇闻趣事,该片于上映后获得了238万次的播放量获得影迷的广泛好评! A Granny's Guide to the Modern World is a three-episode British television series shown on Channel 4 in August 2016. It is presented by Barry Humphries. It follows several elderly male and female investigative reporters as they tackle issues regarding 21st century life in a lighthearted manner.
TAG:奶奶的现代社会指南 百度云 奶奶的现代社会指南 云盘 奶奶的现代社会指南1080p在线观看 奶奶的现代社会指南百度网盘 奶奶的现代社会指南在线观看 奶奶的现代社会指南