本站于2024-10-01更新的《九叔》由吴建新摄制的记录系列纪录片,2014年在大陆上映。该片主要讲述了演员九叔在2014的大陆地区发生的奇闻趣事,该片于上映后获得了89万次的播放量获得影迷的广泛好评! 九(💢)叔,綽號“夜市市長”,以臨時工的身份掌管(🖋)中山路夜市三十年。夜市魚龍混雜,九叔管理手(🛅)段粗礪卻有效。在他的打理下,夜市繁榮,他也甚得領導倚重。九叔在夜市志得意滿,家庭生活卻不順(🌹)心。他早年身世坎坷,中年(🧤)經歷多次離婚,晚年又與兒女不和。現在(🌛)九叔年近七十,繼續以夜市為家。每當夜幕降臨,九叔身穿制服、腰佩警棍,帶領手下坐鎮巡視。臨近午夜,叫上夜市的老兄弟喝酒打牌(🧡),然(🌆)後趁著酒勁招搖過市。 但是,百年老街中山路面臨(⛴)改造,以美食大排檔為主的夜市也將不復存在… (🍤)Nicknamed "Mayor of the Night Market," Ninth Uncle has been a temporary worker managing the night market for over 30 years. Despite of his success in the night market, his family life appears quite the opposite. Almost 70 years old now, he continues his life in the night market. As the night falls every evening, Zhong Shan Road and its hundred years of history are now facing reconstruction and the night market full of yummy food venders is soon to be gone. Ninth Uncle helplessly watches the empire he worked his whole life for slowly fall apart. 获奖(🤙)情况: 2015年 入围香港華語紀(👧)錄片節 2015年 入围中國廣州國際紀錄片節
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