简介: Documentary that reveals the secret story behind one of the greatest intellectual feats of World War II, a feat that gave birth to the digital age. In 1943, a 24-year-old maths student and a GPO engineer combined to hack into Hitler's personal super-code machine - not Enigma but an even tougher system, which he called his 'secrets writer'. Their break turned the Battle of Kursk, powered the D-day landings and orchestrated the end of the conflict in Europe. But it was also to be used during the Cold War - which meant both men's achievements were hushed up and never officially recognised.
回复:意识能量配合着陈天豪的(de )飞行(😀)速(🐵)度,很快就把新领地的资源(yuán )分布探测得清清楚楚,全(🎨)息地图上也(yě )更(🚞)新(xīn )了相应的(de )数据。
回复:所(suǒ )到之处,一些弱小的生物,被天空中扑面而来的气息,吓得瑟(sè )瑟发抖,无法动弹,等乌云过去,心(🔍)有(yǒu )余悸(jì )的(de )望着乌云消失的方向,重新投入(rù )了新的生活中去。