简介: This series chronicled the lives of Bodie and Doyle, top agents for Britain's CI5 (Criminal Intelligence 5), and their controller, George Cowley. The mandate of CI5 was to fight terrorism and similar high-profile crimes. Cowley, a hard ex-MI5 operative, hand-picked each of his men. Bodie was a cynical ex-SAS paratrooper and mercenary whose nature ran to controlled violence, while his partner, Doyle, came to CI5 from the regular police force, and was more of an open minded liberal. Their relationship was often contentious, but they were the top men in their field, and the ones to whom Cowley always assigned to the toughest cases.
回复:其(🕝)实不单(dān )是研发中(zhōng )心(xīn ),以后你解锁了(le )更多的建筑物,都可(💏)以用这个方法来判断。
回复:在陈(chén )天豪(háo )的命令下,二(èr )十九人开始排成一条长(🗨)队,进入研究中心学习(🍐)。