简介: The protagonist, Masaru, has just inherited a big fortune after the death of his father. However, people are trying to get their hands on it by any means necessary, even if it means killing him. Narumi helps Masaru from being kidnapped after fighting strange figures. He finds out that they're not humans, but wooden puppets with amazing strength. After a hard fight, Narumi is forced to admit that he's no opponent for them; and just when he starts to think that Masaru will be captured, Shirogane, Masaru's watcher arrives from France with a weapon, the puppet Arlequin. Here begins the story of Karakuri Circus.
回复:又测试了意识(shí )能量,总量也在上升,意识的极限范(🚀)(fàn )围使用时间,预计能达到二十四小(🚋)时(shí ),像之前在沙漠那时(🎫)候(hòu )保持周围五百米的范围(wéi ),基本上能够(gòu )维持(chí )一个月以上。
回复:可惜(xī )他(tā )现(🧗)在忙着寻找(🥞)其他翼人,根本无暇关注这些事情,只有尽早的进入部落时代,这些东西很快就会拥有,到时候(hòu )不要说(shuō )青铜器了,直(🕰)接跳(tiào )过青铜时(shí )代,进入铁器时代也未尝(🔱)不(㊗)可(kě )。