简介: The protagonist, Masaru, has just inherited a big fortune after the death of his father. However, people are trying to get their hands on it by any means necessary, even if it means killing him. Narumi helps Masaru from being kidnapped after fighting strange figures. He finds out that they're not humans, but wooden puppets with amazing strength. After a hard fight, Narumi is forced to admit that he's no opponent for them; and just when he starts to think that Masaru will be captured, Shirogane, Masaru's watcher arrives from France with a weapon, the puppet Arlequin. Here begins the story of Karakuri Circus.
回复:烈焰骄阳:运用强大(dà )的火(huǒ )系能量(liàng ),在空中制造一颗(🚙)大火球攻击敌(🌂)方,根据能量大小(🚶)的不同,强度(dù )会(huì )出现不同(🏓)的(de )变化。
回复:停顿了一会(🐟),陈天华继续说道:2000人当(🏒)中,竟然发现了一(yī )个拥有高级(🤤)研究(jiū )技能的人才,20个拥(yōng )有中级(jí )研究(jiū ),100个初级研究技能(👆)。